So, I grabbed my old bucket and got to work. This old blue beauty was left behind in the chicken coop when we moved in.

The old teacup came from Goodwill or somewhere like that. Those sort of things make great little scoops, you know. You can liven up your jar of flour or container of pet food or canister of sugar...endless possibilities.
So most mornings I grab my old bucket and head out to the backyard and fill up my homemade bird feeder.

It's simply one of those three tier wire baskets that I think is meant for fruit or veggies or something like that. I lined the bottom with old saucers and a chipped old bowl. Again- the possibilities are endless. And the birdies love it. I've got my eyes peeled for a few more of these baskets.
When I'm finished there I head over to the old fence post that's on the way to the shed/chicken coop (and no, we are not getting any chickens). You can see it there in the background. You might also spy some snow. That's gone now (much to BellaMomma's chagrin).

The old green thing. Just an old bottom for a flower pot. It was .35 at my favorite thrift store. I don't know why I remember that but I tend to remember exactly what I pay for anything and everything, even things from years ago.
Isn't it amazing what you can make with treasures- found and thrifted? And every morning on my way to feed the birds it all makes me smile. And each morning I head inside and sneak a peak of the little party going on outside my windows.
It's my thrifted life, my endless treasure hunt, my adored routines and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.
Tell me- do you have any interesting or fun ideas for the fun stuff you find? Do you feed the birds in your yard?
I love this idea of using the basket as a bird feeder! Love the teacup in the bucket too! :-)
I have a really cool old cup in the cat food container. Love the bird feeder basket.
I love your bird feeder idea, too!
My favorite little thing I use is just a neat old aluminum one cup measuring cup with a handle that I use to scoop up my Dizzy kitty's food - which is stored in one of my huge Ransburg canisters that I collect.
This is so cute. A co-worker just gave me one of those 3 tier baskets and I was going to plant strawberries in it...but I may have to rethink my plan because I love it as a bird feeder. Thanks for the idea. We love watching the birds in our yard. Oh, and probably the most interesting re-used item in my yard is an old baby pig feeder...I use it as a planter.
I have one of these three tiered baskets. Great idea for it! I occasionally throw something out for the birds. Once I ruined some biscuits and even squirrels wouldn't eat them. I think I'll be putting this idea to use. I wish I had a fun idea to share but I'm drawing a blank. :/
LOVE the three-tiered feeder! Bet my birds would like it too. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.
I can be very creative, but never have been with old items like you are. But, you inspire me, I'll have to start looking out for goodies like you do!
Bird feeder...GREAT IDEA!!
Your coffee cup scoop in the first photo reminded me of my white metal galvanized cup I use for my laundry detergent. I was gone one weekend and my husband (who never does laundry) did a load. Evidently he was being "helpful" and wrote WITH SHARPIE on my white galvanized vintage cup (which was super cool). With the marker he drew a line and wrote "1 load" so I could get my measuring right and not guess! I was sooooo mad...thank goodness for Mr. Clean erasers, I got it off. He has not done laundry since.
I like how you take pictures of simple things and make them look beatuiful. You have a lovely way of cropping a photo. And the composition in the last one is nice. Love that I can see the barn.
I love your re-purposed bird feeder! And we feed the birds, but we need some new feeders!
Love your wonderful photos!
Kat :)
We, or I should say Hubby, feeds our birds. The squirrels steal all the food, or they used to so Hubby put a flange on the bottom of the feeder pole so the squirrels can no longer reach the food if they climb the pole. I will be having Hubby take the feeder down within a month because the snakes are drawn to the small gophers that come to feed under the bird feeder.
The Blue Ridge Gal
I do love your birdfeeder ideas. I have been enjoying your blog as well!
Oh! I love that wire basket bird feeder. I've been looking everywhere for some new bird feeders but they aren't out in the stores yet. I'm so stealing this idea - I just hope the greedy squirrels don't decide it's an all-you-can-eat buffet!
look at how clever you are. that is a cute little feeder. you have the cutest stuff.
The birds are eating us out of house and home! I have 8 feeders! Two for safflower seed for things like cardinals, titmice, nuthatches, etc. Two for thistle seed for goldfinches. Two for suet for woodpeckers. And two for wild bird seed for everything else.
And another thing . . . don't the squirrels get into your homemade feeders??? If I put that veggie basket out in my yard it would be destroyed within 48 hours! :o)
Yes, of course I feed the birds! I can't keep up with them...
Great idea of for a tiered bird feeder. I will have to keep my eyes out for one!
Oh, I just think that's a terrific idea! I love birds and have feeders all over the yard. Very cute :)
You are so clever! I have 2 of those 3-tier baskets, had them for ever, walk around every now and again trying to fiqure out a way to use them. Wonderful! Love your photos!
This is just the cutest. And to think that I just gave to Goodwill my three-tier basket. Shucks, a bird feeder so not happening. That'll teach me to not throw away things.
How cute! I'd have never thought of making a bird feeder with the wire mesh baskets, but it works and looks cute, too!
What a BRILL-I-ANT idea for a bird feeder, girlfriend! I love it! Out here where we live, though, it would plum blow away and smash the dishes to smithereens! You are so clever with your finds!
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