And it was a good day. Good mother and daughter time and good shopping. I am not sure what treasures to show you first.
How about the four dollar quilt? Yes, I said $4.00. It was one of those times when I felt like I was stealing. I pretty much was. It's one of those stores where nothing has prices and the folks there sort of add it up as you check out.
Well, the sweet lady looked at me and explained that the quilt would be $4, as if this was asking too much. I wanted to throw my money at her and stuff the quilt in the bag and make a run for it before she changed her mind or came to her senses.
I brought it home and put it on the guest bed.

I love it so much. The time I know that went into this piece makes me squirm. I could never do it. But I appreciate it so much.
More treasures to come...
$4! Oooooh that is almost as yummy as the quilt itself! It looks so sweet on your guest bed too :) I would have done a happy dance right there in the store!
What a wonderful find!!! I know how you feel when you are just giddy about a treasure you've found and then to get it for such a steal!
I bought a quilt for 25 and thought that was a steal, wow, you've topped me with this! I can't believe it! I love the pattern too! Can't wait to see your other treasures.
Girl! Giddy is not the word! You must feel plumb delirious with joy over this find! Woo-hoo! Un-freakin'-believable! I am soooooo happy for you!
A-MAZING! It's so beautiful! I would have payed SO much more for that quilt!
You scored an antique "post depression" cathedral window quilt probably worth about $2500, if not more...definitely worth being appraised and insured....and now I am not talking to you ANY more.
Wow the quilt is beautiful!
What a treasure! You get the best buys. Sounds like a special mother/daughter time.
OMG! It's beautiful! AND a STEAL!
WOW! I would have paid the $4 and then tipped her an additional $4. SO, have you called your insurance agent yet to add it to your policy?
Wow! Four dollars! That's unbelievable. What a wonderful find. I definitely have quilt envy. Enjoy your day.
O.M.G.!!! WOW!!! AND I'm JEALOUS!!! (as always!)
I think that it is called Cathederal Windows. That is SO awesome that you got that quilt for that price. What a huge blessing!
Oh My Goodness!!!
I'm glad you grabbed it and ran....!!
A Cathedral Window.....the hours someone put into that quilt....,mind boggeling!!
Congrats and Enjoy...LindaMay
Oh honey, that quilt was a steal! You are lucky to have found it and snagged it:) My Mama used to make quilts and it does take a lot of time and patience! Have a blessed day and thanks for showing us this gorgeous quilt!
OH...WOW! WOW-WOW-WOW!! It's beautiful. And you are as usual - LUCKY!
Speechless! Find of the year! Yay for you!!!! I'm always so thankful when I find awesome deals like that. To me it reminds me that God loves me, and he can 'give' me the things I love. Since I'm not working anymore, I tend to have an 'I'll never have that attitude'. Your post just confirmed my thoughts....there are still plenty of wonderful deals out there!
Holy Moly! $4? Gorgeous Gorgeous!
I think that's the deal of the century! Wow. Such a beautiful piece of artistry. I love curling up in one of my old quilts for a good nap - nothing else compares.
This is probably the deal of your lifetime - some people work years to finish a Cathedral Window quilt. Enjoy!!
Holy shamollee! You got the deal of the century for sure! It is so beautiful. Congratulations.
That is definitely a $4 happy dance quilt. What a great find and it looks amazing on the bed! Lucky!
Beautiful quilt! Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Did the pillow come with it?
Can't believe it...that is so beautiful!
I think you should have bought a lottery ticket on the way home, your luck was running high!
my grandmother used to make quilts. i keep them on my guest bed too. they are never square...she didn't like to measure. and i love that. :) what a great find!
What a steal. I will not tell you what that would have cost in California!!!!! And, it would not be $4.00!!!! I love the colors and design. Oh and yes, that cat is precious, precious!!!!
Oh my....I can barely believe it....That is the SUPER FIND! You lucky girl! I think it might be called cathedral windows, but I'm not sure. I searched my brain, but all I could find were cobwebs. :-)
you've got to be kidding me. $4!!! dang. you did get the bargain of the year. it's beautiful. looks perfect on the bed. and i think your little guy likes it too.
You are the QUEEN of bargains, I think I would have had a heart attack on that goodness, I love it, it's the most gorgeously scrappy quilt (my favorite!) and I tell you that is a priceless work of art!
Where on earth did you buy this treasure at a store with such nonchalant clerks, I'm wondering? Because, yes, this is a cathedral window or cathedral something or other quilt. And they are very hard to make, thus I don't have any. Lucky, lucky girl you!
wow...4 bucks!! are you kidding...ok, I live in Richmond, tell me where this store is! please...
$4 is an amazing steal for that beautiful quilt. You should feel very, very guilty. LOL!
i am so jealous. what a fantastic quilt. :)
Oh. My. Gosh. LOVE your Cathedral Window quilt!!
You scored big-time!
Just so you know, you can not make this with a machine... totally & completely handmade. Very time consuming. Such a treasure.
Oh, MY, GOODNESS!!!! What a BEAUTIFUL quilt. I LOVE it. You are blessed, girl!!!! Anyway...what is more charming together than an old quilt and a sweet little kitty. Love your photos!
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