Sometimes I pack my lunch and eat at my desk.
Sometimes you can find me in the park.
And sometimes I run errands.
This is what running errands looks like.
This is my haul from Friday's lunch break.
My favorite stores are not far from my office. I'm lucky like that.
And then a funny thing happened when I was taking photos.
I made a pretty pillow.
That was easy.
that's my kind of lunch break. cute stuff!!
Love that clever pillow. Great finds.
Great lunch date....taste even better and you got another lucky girl.
Love that idea! Do you crochet? I have made that yellow dish mat.
I wonder what I did with the pattern.
A lunch with no calories. Perfect! I love the potholder sewn to the pillow. Perfect again.
Very nice errands! I am still looking for a good thrift store here in Chicagoland (Arlington Heights to be exact). The GW was gross, really bad!
Love your pillow!
Kim V
Hey who needs food when those errands are so demanding?
I have to repeat Olive's sentiment. Who needs food when you have awesome goodies like this to find? *Sigh.* So wonderful. :)
I am still so jealous of you and your finds. :)
You are a magnet for cool stuff.
what great finds!!!! LOVE your blog!!!!
Gorgeous finds on your lunch break! I would rather do that than eat:) Love the pillow you created! Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
I love love love that metal strainer. My mama has had one identical to that my entire life.
Just look at that cute yellow pillow. Sigh...I love your finds :)
Hey, that's what MY version of running errands looks like too. :) Great finds!
Hello! I know fellow bloggers it sure seems like "Me Daughter" has been forever on a llloooonnnngggg lunch break, so here's the latest update...It was reported that someone looking like BellaDella has been seen driving a medium size cargo truck and has been spotted not only in Virginia, but a few possible sitings have been reported across the state line. Now
for just a little info about the truck here is what it is reported to look like, just incase you might see her...white truck...
"BellaDella"...Trying to break the worlds record for the longest lunch break and finding the most treasures while thrifting at yardsales, estate sales, thrift stores, etc. Treasure hunting...if you have any items that you think might be of interest to me, please just wave me over or call the number on the side of the truck. Oh, and she has been seen loading up some pretty good finds from peoples trash at the end of their drive ways. I forgot to tell you that there is a list of items written on the truck that she likes to hunt for, but is also open for some fun new items. Hopefully she will be done soon...not sure what the record is, but her family is missing her, so please if you see her tell her that "Her Mom Says The Lunch Break Is Over!
Get Your Butt Home,
Love Ya,
I'd love lunch breaks like this,, I have that exact same collander,, it was my mamaws and was used a lot.
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