Thursday, November 13, 2008

One Hundred

This is my one hundredth post. Time does indeed fly when you are having fun. And this is truly fun. I know it is some grand tradition at this point to post something special. I've been tossing around for days what I want to say. I also know it is a tradition to have a 100th post giveaway and I promise something soon. Perhaps it will include some store mementos from yesterday's post. A few of you suggested just that.

I thought I would do a couple of things today. First, share with you my most favorite pictures from the past 99 posts, or at least a few of them. That is a part of this that has been a surprise for me. I've always been a writer but I've fallen in love with the images and I've learned to see things in a million more ways than I did before. Part of that comes from the picture itself but most of it comes from the generous comments and insights that all of you are so kind to share with me on a daily basis. It's become this big and beautiful and really small world with all of you.

I've just discovered that I have taken hundreds of photos with this precious diary in mind. I think I could repost them all if I sit here too long.

The second thing I want to do is thank my dear friends out there- Marlene, Becky, the other Kim V., Big Hair (I am laughing because just this moment realized I don't know your real name), Jenn, Carmen, Liz, Rhondi, Traci, Libby, Suzanne, Reynie, Rechelle, Molly & Marshal and we can't forget Wade. Of course I know I am forgetting someone and I am sorry for that. You guys are amazing and inspiring and so much fun. On a daily basis you make me feel loved, and you make me laugh out loud, you inspire me with your creativity and your words, and just make me smile. You all always make me smile. Thank you for always dropping by.

And I can't leave without thanking my most loyal reader and biggest fan- Mom. Some of you have been blessed to have her leave you a comment. I promise you she keeps close tabs on all of us. I love you, Mom.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS ON YOUR 100th POST!!! that is very exciting. i am thankful everyday that we connected through this little hobby and i am able to read your posts. they are honest, thoughtful, fun and much more. i honestly feel like we have known each other for years. maybe some day we will be lucky enough to meet each other and spend some time together thrifting and relaxing on your front porch or my cabin porch. have a wonderful day kim!!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Congratulations on your 100th post, and may I say your pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for visiting my little crazy world over in Mathews!


Predo said...

Congratulations!!! And of course I am at work and almost shed a little tear (okay, so I can be a little pansy at times)! I just love your photo's! I could most definitely live there! If you open up "Bella's Bed and Breakfast" I would love to be a test guest! Heck, I would even bring Jimmy to make cinamin rolls in the morning! SSG is also a fabulous cook, but I think we should give her wine and ask her to play the harmonica or something!!

Congrats again, and thank you for being here! Your posts make my day, every day!!

Ali said...

100 wow, fantastic! It is such a joy to read your posts. I am looking forward to the day when I too can live in the country again. I even have a notebook with gardening tips and how to raise chickens. I have this desire to crack my very own, super fresh, organic, free range eggs. Since my place does not even have a backyard much less balcony...chickens are pretty much out :)
Thanks for looking at my blog. I have lived in the DC area for nearly 6 years. I do love some things the city has to offer but when it comes down to it, I will always be a Texas a country girl at heart.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! Amazing how fast they can come around. I so enjoyed viewing this photos and love the "peek" of the barn. Actually I enjoyed all the pictures. Such serenity in their images.
Hugs and have a fantastic day! You so totally Rock!

Suzanne said...

Feel loved?? You ARE loved!!! HA. Congratulations on the 100th post. It really is quite an accomplishment. Alot of people start blogging but soon lose interest or don't have the discipline required to maintain a publishing schedule.

You have a photographer's eye and I love your photographs. The second from the bottom is my absolute favorite - the old store with the beautiful, warm and inviting home in the background. Beautiful.

Keep on doing what you're doing.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Georgia Girl said...

I just can't decide which one I love the best! The coziness of your kitchen...the front porch...gosh so many to choose from so I pick all of them!

Congrats on the 100th post! Isn't it nice to meet some wonderful friends online...just great feeling everyone feels here. Look forward to the next 100 post cause I will be here.

Heidi Ann said...

Your pictures are beautiful, and I join the others in congratulating you on your 100th post!! I look forward to many more to come.

Anonymous said...

WOW - 100 congrats!

Laura said...

Congrats on your 100th post!!!!

Your pictures are so beautiful! I really enjoyed this post.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Congrats on your 100th post! Isn't blogging such a fun and wonderful experience!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Love your beautiful pictures. Your place is lovely and warm and inviting. We too live on a farm, with chickens and sheep, pigeons, etc....I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything. If stories are always plentiful and great at family gatherings!Enjoyed your blog, very sweet and wonderful!

Thrifty Cents said...

Congratulations! I just love coming to your little farm to visit! Keep 'em coming! And by the way, you gave me a craving for snowballs, but when I went to the store to get them, there were the orange Hostess cupcakes next to them and they won, but guess what!!! I'm still craving the snowballs! Ughhh!

Big Hair Envy said...

OMG! 100 Posts?? Congratulations my friend:)

The first photo is my favorite. You know that I LUV me some barn stars!

I'm so glad to have "met" you, and I'm thrilled that you are part of my little world:)

Wanita said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I really enjoy your posts and all the photos.

I've given you an award today.


cathleen said...

Looks like I need to read your archives, Kim. Your farm is totally cozy and comfy looking. I adore these photos. No wonder you LOVE your home. Congrats on your 100th post with many, many more to come. Take care!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Doesn't blogging time just fly by?!! Congrats to you on your 100th post!!! I LOVE your home, your land and your style of writing. It is truely always a treat to stop by for a visit. I am trying to play catch up as life has been busy around our home.

Love to you and best wishes for more fabulous posts!!


(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy I get to pop into your corner of the world each day--it truly is so special. Thanks so much for your kind heart, beautiful eye and willingness to share. Here's to your next 100! And 100 after that! And ... well you get the idea ; ) xoxo!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. I have found you by way of Serendipitous Girl. I am enjoying reading you blog and love your pictures. I think that is why I have started to blog again and why I like reading blogs. I love looking at the images. Enjoy your extra long weekend!

Olivia said...

Congrats on your 100th post! I figured this would be a good time to come out of lurking. I've been reading your blog for some time and enjoy it. :o)

Lys said...

Congrats on reaching 100! I'm sure there will be MANY more but I'm another reader, delurking a bit and I'll comment more - promise :)