Everything in the picture above came from mom. Remember she got the old wicker seat on Craigslist? It's been on the "porch" and in the guestroom and now it is wintering out in store. The tobacco sticks are from my grandparent's farm. They are very old and very special. And below- Do you want to join me for a Pepsi Cola?
I promise there will be endless posts on the old store. She has a lot of stories to tell.
Love the wood stove. We have one also...might have to blog on it...Oh I just could enjoy coming to the store one day! Maybe since you don't to many miles away and if you ever open it up I will shoot across a couple of states to visit this wonderful store...Until then I get to enjoy it in your pics, so keep bringing them on Kim!
Seriously....stop this torture!!! Oh the hairnets!!! I would always have to drive Grandma Blanche into town so that she could get her hairnets. And the buttons!!! And phonograph needles??? What in the world? How long has this old store been empty?
I think you should do a giveaway. A little gift packet of button and vintage bias tape. HA. I really, really love the large roll of butcher paper.
How far are you from a large metropolitan area? That type of population numbers would be needed to support a cute, little destination shop. Just thinking out loud.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Yes, we'll definitely have to meet up some time to "compare notes"! Maybe sit and have a Pepsi in your old store ;o) I am LOVIN' all of the old girl's details, esp. the old hand written signs and all of the shelving! And the buttons and ribbon...oh my! I could go on and on...
When we sit around the wood stove drinking Pepsi, could we play a few games of Dominoes?! Just for old time's sake.
Oh my gosh. I could just move in there! That stove is amazing. I just love seeing pictures of everything, it's just fascinating how some places remain froze in time. It's comforting, actually.
Come back by my site. I've added eye candy.
I could wile away a day, sipping on pepsi, playing some checkers and imagining all the stories "she" could tell.
I love seeing her and the charm she has. Ahh, yeah...you can send me some of those buttons and the rack rack. I can figure out something to do with them!!! LOL
I miss ya and I am so bored right now...even though I am still getting paid for this week...I do not do vacation well.
Love you!,
I will look forward to each and every story about the Old General Store; I've loved it all so far!
my mind wanders with the possibilities!! just love that place.
The history there warms my heart!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR PLACE! What plans do you have for her?
Hi Kim
Your country store looks so interesting. You are going to have many fun hours "playing" with it!
Hugs, Rhondi
Wow, I feel like I am peeking into another time.
When you are in there do you close your eyes and imagine the people that used to be there?
The smell of the tobacco from the old men sitting around the stove smoking their pipes, little boys buying penny candy and counting their money together to see if they still have enough to share a Pepsi, the woman behind the counter coming around to help a customer match a button and find the bias tape.
Do you hear the bell on the door as the boys run out with their bottle of soda and the rumble of laughter as the old men share a joke about something that happened before the war?
What an amazing and simple time gone by.
You have a real jewel in that store.
PS. I still want to know what's in that safe.
Big siiiiiiigh ... the only thing that could make it better is if the store was stocked with fireman ... and lemon drops ...
wow it's amazing, I love the stove, that store is just up my street, I think I could actually move in there and live in it quite happily as if it were a house...
What an amazing store! You are so lucky to have it.
OMG look at all those vintage treasures!!! I think you have made most of us jealous! :-)
How fun to have all this in your own backyard!
Congrats on your 100th post girlie! I'm so glad I have gotten the chance to "meet" you!
the whole thing...with the stand. that is so cool. it is just great. i really would love it.
you are living the vintage dream my friend. we are all drooling on our keyboards.
This is such fun to see. I love the pink hairnet packages! Keep sharing.
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