Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dark night...

Well, it was indeed very, very dark when I arrived home last night. It's always strange to me. As Summer fades to Autumn you can see the days shorten gradually, then bam, it's dark at dinner. Don't get me wrong, as I adjust this week I will grow to love it. I always do. I love the change of seasons, the change of time, and the change of light.

I think it makes us all slow down a little bit. Although last night I seemed to be in some sort of rush, like if I drove fast enough I could beat it home.

Do you like it when the time changes? Are you comforted by the long dark evenings or do you crave the sunshine?


Kim's Treasures said...

I love these photos! You are quite the photographer these days!

Have a great day!

Liz Harrell said...

I have to admit, I miss that extra hour of sun after I get home from work. It makes for a gloomy day, to work in an office and come out to darkness at the end of the day.

And I love these pictures!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

I admit to liking the change of the season since Autumn means cooler temps for us, BUT I run on light and find the time change to be very difficult. It takes me a lot of time to acclimate and when I finally do it's time to push the clocks ahead

Unknown said...

I too, LOVE the photos. You contrasted the light and dark very well I might add.

I LOVE the change and even though it is still a shock when I leave the office, it is so welcome and comforting...like an old freind coming to give me a warm hug for a while.

I love this time of year.


Anonymous said...

Very good photos! I enjoy the change but I miss being able to stay outside later but on the other hand I enjoy long evenings in the home relaxing. Winter makes us slow down and take time with each other

Predo said...

I love it when the season actually changes. The leaves, the light, the mood! I think that is why I live in the north west. The one thing I have to ajust to again is the rain. On the plus side, the lights inside the house make it feel so much more warm, and the rain outside provides a nice rythem to fall asleep to!

Anonymous said...

I am a BIG fan of daylight and sunshine. This is the time of year when I begin to wish that I could just hibernate for a few months, and wake up when Spring arrives!!!! Just to give you an example, I fell asleep on the sofa after dinner last night! Hahahaha!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi! Just checking in to see what is new with you! Love your photos! And I like the changing of seasons, too. ...if I can just get adjusted to the new time schedule! I'm ready to go to sleep at 8:00, since it is pitch dark! LOL! ~Rhonda

Anonymous said...

i like the long dark evenings when we're deep in winter, not really right now. it is nice waking up to sunlight though.

Laura said...

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog!!

Two beagles?! Be still my heart! My darlin Bebe is part beagle . . . and part shar-pei :D

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

I do crave the sunshine! But I also really love seeing windows lit--so cozy and comforting!