Thursday, October 9, 2008

The good life...

Don't you always wonder what your animals (and your husband) are up to all day while you are gone? I don't really know but it seems to always involve the scattering of their favorite toys from room to room. I think it also involves a great deal of sleeping. I am pretty sure these little guys are living the good life while I am away. They seem to be pretty good at it when I am at home taking these pictures.

In order of appearance- Gracie, George, Mo, Bubba (giving the cold shoulder) and Murphy. Please note that Murphy is happier than he looks. He is seeking pity, don't buy it! I know, the ears and eyes get me every single time too.

Not pictured- Addie and Bailey. They were too cool to humor me with a photo.

Oh the life...


Kim's Treasures said...

They're so cute! I know my fur-babies greet me all sleepy eyed when I return. Must be nice! Have a great Thursday!

traci said...

they are cute. gotta love animals - they sure do have it rough. have a great day!

Big Hair Envy said...

LOVE your furry babies! Mine were both asleep when I left for work this morning. My cat had her paw over her face. She does that when I am getting on her nerves!!!

Dena said...

Oh your babies are adorable! I know what my little girl Gigi does...she lays on the couch eating doggie treats and watching the Animal Planet shows. Oh sure, she jumps back in her bed before I come in, but I know better ;)


Unknown said...

I love them!!! THey are so adorabe...I oftem wonder what my Thomas Jefferson (tabby babby) does while I am at work.

Anonymous said...

No joke! I'm coming back in my next life as my mom's dog!

Liz Harrell said...

Mmmm... sleeping would be my choice right now.