Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Take a walk with me...

Yesterday was a challenging day. I am pretty much rendered useless on less than 8 hours of sleep and the commute home seemed endless. I've told you before how much I love the sound of the gravel beneath my tires as I pull into our little driveway at night. Well, last night brought that wonderful sound and the smell of fresh cut grass.

My sweet husband spent all day mowing and was still at it when I got home. Somehow I was a rejuvinated by the pleasure of returning to my little retreat in the country and decided to take a walk around with my trusty camera. I always depart on these photography missions thinking I could not possibly find something new to photograph. I always figure you guys have seen it all already. But somehow I always see something new and have something to share with you once again.

As I head into another busy day, I leave you all with a walk around the little farm. It puts me at ease...

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

It's beautiful. No wonder you feel a sense of rejuvination when you return. I love all the open spaces and can just imagine the "scents" that abound. sigh.

Yankee Ridge Primitives said...

Beautiful pictures!
That is ALOT of yard to mow, how does he keep up?

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Gorgeous!! You have such a wonderful home and property! Can I build a house there in the field?

Lovely day to you,

Unknown said...

I would be happy to come home there every day of my life. I do understand what you are going through though...4 more days of stress and then it eases for a bit.

TupeloLove said...

What a nice hubby! Love all the pictures!

Big Hair Envy said...

We enjoy "walking the perimeter" of our property as well. Preferably in the evening, while sipping a glass of wine. Our dog and cat frequently join us. I need to start taking my camera with me because, like you, I see something different every time! Great post. I can't wait to hear the gravel under my tires tonight....

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful farm you have. There is nothing like the quiet hush of the country. I can just imagine the serenity that you must feel when you arrive home.

Mrs. B said...

Beatiful pictures! I love the acorns. That would put me at ease too.

Anonymous said...

Ghostly visits from your grandma! Really! Can you tell me more. I'm interested to hear?

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Seeing your little farm just made me take a deep breath in too : ) THANK YOU!

Kim's Treasures said...

Oh Kim!!! What a great place to have to come home to! It is so peaceful looking! Beautiful!

Smile :)

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the bee....how wonderful! You will have a lovely home set there! Can't wait to see pictures...

Anonymous said...

belladellasfarm.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.

Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)