Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Skirting the issue...

It's no secret that I enjoy thrift shopping. Who am I kidding? I love it. And it's funny because I only came back to it recently. During my time in Colorado Springs I lived in thrift stores for many reasons. They were my escape from the stresses of life and I was a student on a budget.

I miss those Colorado stores. Most of my wardrobe from that time came from thrifting and I am trying to get back to that. I have challenged myself to build upon my Fall/Winter wardrobe with thrift finds. Here are some of my gently used wardrobe additions...skirts! I love to pair a pretty skirt with boots and a sweater in the Fall and Winter.

These lovelies are from stores such as JCrew, American Eagle, J. Jill, Banana Republic and a few others. I am not into brand names but these are good ones and good deals. I've already worn several. If you take the thrifting wardrobe tactic you know it takes some patience, but it is so worth it.

Do any of you have a closet full of thrift finds? I have a feeling you do.


(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

SSG has a closet full of ROSS finds--which is pretty much the same thing : )

Unknown said...

I love the first one with the pleats. Great finds. Will you go shopping for me?

Dena said...

What awesome finds! Yes indeed I am with you - my closet is full of thrifty treasures :)


TupeloLove said...

I love it! I can't wait to start wearing cozy clothes, and I love the boots with the skirt look!

Kim's Treasures said...

Oh Kim these are very nice! My daughter got some clothes for student teaching at the Salvation Army. I bought a brand new Adidas light-weight jacket at the Salvation Army and it is so perfect because it is also the colors of the Detroit Tigers. It only cost me $8. I sure enjoy a great deal!

Hope your day is wonderful!

traci said...

wow - those are adorable and what great deals!!! i need to visit the goodwill again!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I am a skirt girl too, and those finds are wonderful! Jackie

Anonymous said...

I LOVE skirts like that - I have one on right now. I think they are so comfy and great to wear over the spring/summer and into fall sometimes with a long sleeved shirt and like today, a little jean jacket!

Mrs. B said...

I love boots and skirts! You've got some great finds there! Love the plaid. I can't say that I buy clothes at thrift stores because the thrift stores here are for the most part awful. But I am a total bargain shopper. I shop the clearance racks and go on days when I get an extra discount!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen anything THAT CUTE in a thrift store around here. You are one smart (and lucky) girl!!

There is one thrift shop for teenagers nearby. My daughter and her friends often find great deals. Who knew teenage girls could be thrifty???

Thrifty Cents said...

Lovin' the skirts AND the prices! I've only been to the Family Thrift once, but I'd LOVE to go again soon! They had so many good things there! Oh and you KNOW I have a closet full of thrifty finds ;o)

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!! LOVE the plaid one! That would be so cute for the winter with colored tights and little boots! Hey, I bought a Kate Spade original purse today for 6.00 and an new Esprit coat for 10.00 - oh and a polka dot Ralph Lauren slicker for 6.00!! Gotta love a bargain!!!! You keep up the great work! Are you going to have a fashion show? smile.
