Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A little TLC...

After a long day of work my most favorite thing is to pull into the driveway of the little farm. I love the sound of the gravel beneath my tires and the muffled barks of Bailey and Murphy as I open my car door. Sigh. You can definitely tell the days are getting shorter. I love that twilight time. I decided to take a few pictures on my way out to turn the lights on at the old store. It was a muggy night...summer is holding on with all her might.

Last night was filled with leftover soup, a little Hanna clean-up, and hours of TLC. Unfortunately not the pampering kind...Little People and John and Kate Plus 8...I can never get enough of those shows. Never. Did you see them camping last night? I'd never seen that episode. I don't know about you, but I am craving some smores!

Well, it is time to see what Tuesday has in store for me. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.


TupeloLove said...

I love those shows! I never know when they're on unless I come across a marathon of them.

I'm also looking forward to the fall. The summer was great, but there is something about autumn that just can't be beat.

Georgia Girl said...

Ok I must be dense cause I have never heard of those shows...Am I that old that I don't know this....lol

Yep Summer is trying so hard to hang tight...it was so muggy this morn at around 6 am when I walked outside. I am waiting patiently for fall....soon please soon!

Suzanne said...

I like Jon & Kate, although she's a bit OCD for me. (But then, i LIVE with someone who has OCD and it's HELL). Oh, I just love your description of pulling into that gravel driveway. But you're teasing me again by mentioning that store. I want that store!!! Do you have plans to open it as an antique place?

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Unknown said...

MMMM...s'mores are the best and I have been dreaming about them too. I love pictures of the old store...it is my favorite and I think we do need to open a little shop...notice I said WE...I LOVE Jon and Kate and I am a closet Gossip Girl Freak...shhh, don't tell. Have a great day Kim and we will both find some way to tell with our stressful, very stressful jobs. What do you do?

XOXO, you know you love me...LOL


traci said...

great pictures. i love jon and kate. didn't watch it last night though. that show brings a sense of calm over me. i think it's a "thank god it's them and not me" kind of calm. those kids are so cute. i love their little voices. all except maddie - sorry, she gets on my last nerve.

Anonymous said...

I love how you have SO much open land around your home!!! How amazing that would be.

I never get to watch John and Kate Plus 8 but love it when I do - they actually live quite close to me.

Kim's Treasures said...

OMG I LOVE those 2 shows!!! Little People Big World was my inspiration to grow pumpkins!

I just got back from Michael's and Archiver's with all kinds of goodies for my project. I only hope it turns out as cute as it is in my head! :-)

I say this all the time but I love your farm photos!

Hope you are having a great day! Hugs and love!

Michele said...

Beautiful pictures! I love fall..am looking forward to the cooler nights!


Anonymous said...

Well, my daughter's name is Bailey so I don't know about the faint barks but... I love the twilight time too! :)

Cute TLC comparrison. What a great show, eh?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love your little piece of earth. I bet it is so relaxing and peaceful..
