Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Check out the view...

Yesterday I showed you the old house and the beautiful stairway. Today I want to share the view. The land around the homeplace is so beautiful- rolling and green and full of farm charm.

If you guessed the movie Sommersby yesterday you were correct. They shot some of the movie in the rolling fields pictured above. You may not know this, but Virginia is a popular spot for movie locations.

I also took some pictures while we were taking Mom's shortcut (um, scenic route) through the country. I get so excited when I see fields of tobacco. You don't see them too often anymore around here. I am the granddaughter of tobacco farmers, on both sides. When I see those fields I long to be drawn into all the old stories I've heard my whole life.

The church above sat right in the middle of those beautiful tobacco fields. Aren't you guys ready to head out to the country with me? I have to say that I am lucky enough to live in an area that is pretty similar to the area we traveled to over the weekend. We were about an hour west of my little farm. The land starts to roll a bit out there as you get near the Blue Ridge. I am ready to head back for another visit.

*Movie photo courtesy of


Anonymous said...

Love the open fields and the pond - so pretty!

Big Hair Envy said...

I do love me some "farm charm"!! My hubby's grandparents were tobacco farmers in Louisa County. My MIL has all sorts of wonderful stories to tell about that time in her life...and some not so good. Evidently, big green worms traumatized her!

Those pictures could have been taken near my home as well. The old churches are my favorites! I'm not sure why more people don't move to the country :)

TupeloLove said...

Beautiful! I want to ride horses through those fields!

Unknown said...

HWM would love to have a private fishing pond!!! Kim, this is absolutely beautiful! It screams...come home to me! I really love this trip you took us on.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I love that part of the country almost as much as NE. My mom's closest aunt lived in Stuarts Draft we traveled there many many times. My DH and I traveled to Greensboro, NC via 81 in VA many times as well and we sometimes di the Skyline Drive. Beautiful pictures.
I love that movie - I had forgotten all about it until you showed it. Thanks for the reminder!

Michele said...

I so love your pictures...I, too, love driving through the country, soaking in the scenery and taking pictures. Wisconsin has quite a few farms and fields to photograph!!!

Have a great day...thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit!


Yankee Ridge Primitives said...

VERY pretty pictures:)
I dont think Ive ever seen a tobacco plant.

Mrs. B said...

Beautiful! It's all so green and lush!

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

So lovely! I love weekend drives that take you to scenic places--even better if you have such a history with the place you're headed.

cherry said...

I love country like that...makes me want to smile! Thanks for sharing it. I love that movie by the way. cherry

traci said...

those are such beautiful shots kim. it would be hard to leave that place. i love the spot with the tree, fence and pond in the background. makes me want to spread out a blanket and read a book right there. thanks for sharing. beautiful!!