This arrangment languished there all of last week- both in my mind and on my list.

The requirements were simple.
Vintage tin sitting unused. My favorite red.
Camellias blooming outside my window.
Now it is very real.
And really beautiful.
I think you should imagine it too and then make it. Find an old jar, an old tin can, something not meant to hold flowers. And fill it with something pretty. Come on- you deserve it.
sooo beautiful!
B E A utiful!!!!
Love this red. Lucky you to have these gorgeous flowers blooming right outside your window!
I love using unusual things for holding flowers, and your tin and camellias are both beautiful!
I may have to use an old Prince Albert tin I have to hold some daffodils...thanks for reminding me to think outside the box...or tin!
Kat :)
I found some tins this I know what to do with them. Yours is beautiful!
oh I just love camellias, and love the way you've arranged them, such elegant beauty against the simple tin!
I have camelias too and they have been blooming all winter. How about that? Love the tin and the stool it is sitting on:) Thanks for sharing this beauty! Have a blessed day!
Oh I love that stool and the flowers are beautiful, we are still a couple of months away from seeing blooms. Thanks for sharing spring.
Simple and stunning.
I love waking up in a creative mood and just looking around for things to work with...boy, I am glad to see warmer weather so I can do just that. It's fun to shop at home...huh.
It's so satisfying...
I always enjoy your blog, you have the neatest ideas...
My little brought home yellow buttercups and I placed them im an old glass milk jar and them are precious. Your inspiration is beautiful!!
A great combination! I am jealous it is warm enough for those to be growing!
I did the same thing with store bought flowers the other day. I took one of the stems and put it in an old apothecary jar my kids dug up at our stream. I adore it and when I see it, it makes me smile.
These photos are remarkable! You're getting so good at this stuff. I must say, your writing is most delightful as well. And your posts inspiring.
So gorgeous. I do that, too. Sometimes I have trouble going back to sleep when I think of something I want to try at 3am. lol I've thought of you often as we're moving into another apartment and sometimes I think "What would Bella do?" hehe I found some vintage kitchen things of my grandma's this week and can't wait to put them in my new place. Thanks for all the inspiration.
I'm so diggin' your photography.
some advice needed:
I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For an apartment I'min the process of buying.
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looking forward to your reply
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