Friday, June 5, 2009

Garden Update...

I thought you guys might like to see how things are coming along. And it's probably where you will find us this weekend- well, there or on my couch with a stack of magazines. Or on the carporch with spray paint in hand, but I digress...

Corn and snaps...

The pumpkins are growing faster than anything else.



All of the seeds I put in my vintage pottery are sprouting too.


And daisies. I wish these would grow, grow, grow. I love daisies.

I guess it seems that the Fella and I have a bit of a green thumb. We will certainly keep trying until we get it right.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!


Unknown said...

All the babies are born!!!! I just love it. Have a wonderful weekend and I am glad they got a lot of rain...hope they survived.

Anonymous said...

NICE! Tons of rain here... I think if I had a garden it would be saying glub glub glub and trying to keep it's head above water.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Frugalious Living said...

I LOVE your garden! I dream of having a garden, but then reality sinks in and I realize, even if I had the land, my sister inherited my dad's "green thumb"! I can grow a mean weed though!

Have a great weekend Sweets. Hope you have nice sunny skies!


Bea said...

Your garden looks great. Hope you have a nice weekend. Try to relax, will ya? =)

Kim's Treasures said...

Looking really good, Kim! We had frost overnight! I almost lost some things but it's looking like they made it! Can you believe it, frost on June 5th!?!

Looking forward to watching your garden grow!

Tiffany said...

Yay! Watching things grow is so much fun. I love all your photographs. You really inspire me to get outside more.

Dawn said...

Ohhhh.. I miss having a vegtegble garden. The little rows are so nice and neat, and nothing beats finding that first tomato peeking through the leaves! I have a sudden craving for zuchinni bread.

Small House said...

Your garden looks great! Before you know it, CORN ON THE COB!!!!
Have a great day.

Feedsack Fantasy said...

Beautiful garden, our is still drenched from this past 5 weeks of rain, but coming along. TTFN ~ Marydon

Brenda Pruitt said...

Really what's so fun about a garden is the full cycle. That's why I wouldn't want to have gardeners, even if I was rich enough to have them! It's the watching the seedlings sprout, watching the sun nourish them, along with water and rain. Watching the buds develop. Watching the bloom open. And then there's veggies, which I haven't planted nearly enough of. And sure need to. I feel nostalgic when I see your straight rows out there on your farm. I need to get a horse trough and plant some in that so I don't have to worry about the dogs peeing in my veggies!

i cant decide said...

Looks like you are having lots of fun in the garden. The pottery sprouts are cute!

traci said...

what a beautiful garden. everything is growing so fast. wow, those pumpkins will be awesome. and cilantro, i love cilantro!!!! yum, yum!

Farmchick said...

Everything looks great! My garden is coming up nicely too. It is cold today though so I doubt there will be much growth! Happy weekend--stop in and see my yummy Banana Bundt cake! ;0)

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Oh nice! I believe those are some things you could sell from your little farm store there : )