Thursday, January 22, 2009

Getting to know me...

...Getting to know all about me...

I decided to play the interview game with my serendipitous friend, aka SSG. If you have not discovered her amazing blog you must visit her here. It's been so long since she sent me my questions she has probably forgotten all about it or at least thought that I had.

So, here we go.

Question 1:
It is clear that your readers LOVE your farm and you have alluded to what some of your plans are for that cute store. But since I can now ask and you HAVE to answer, we want details on what your plan(s) is/are for that store ... even if it's a dream that's years away and requires a million dollars.

This is a hard question for me to answer because the ideas are so plenty they get all jumbled up in my head. We would like to restore it and possibly open it up again. The space in there is incredible and you can sense her past when you walk in. We've been told it was really the thing that bonded the community together and when it closed it scattered the neighborhood. We'd like to bring her back.

When I close my eyes I see an old General Store with jars of candy and old soda machines and little tables where you sit and pop open a cola. I'd like a little spot to sell vintage stuff. BellaFella wants fishing tackle for the lake across the road.

And then other times I close my eyes and see it as a General Store but not open to the public. I see it as an extension of our home and one heck of a family gathering spot.

Question 2:
You and BellaFella win the prize for the cutest couple ever. How did you meet and how did he propose? (That is TOO one question.)

We met online. I will pause here for your oh my goshes and reallys. A friend of mine wanted to join and of course didn't want to do it alone, so I went along for the ride. To make a long story short (or a long post in this case) she never met anyone and I ended up married.

At the time I was living with BellaBro and felt comfortable having the Fella come over so that we could meet for the first time. Well, Fella stepped out of his vehicle and we spied quickly that he was large in stature- 6'5 and 250 pounds. BellaBro quickly declared I was on my own for this one. Thanks. We've been together ever since that night.

We spent 4 years in a long distance relationship with me in Richmond and the Fella in Northern Virginia. I have Interstate 95 memorized in between.

His proposal was simple and sweet and perfect. He blindfolded me and drove me to the little house where I lived with my brother. It was the very spot that we first met and he asked me to marry him. We tied the knot on July 7, 2007 at 7pm.

Question 3:
I know you used to live in Germany, what was the biggest lesson you took away from living abroad?

I've never had to answer this question in such a finite way. I think I learned how brave I am. I think I learned how to take care of myself- even though I knew how to already. Do you know what I mean? I moved to Germany when I was 20 years old. I had barely left Virginia and had definitely never been abroad. I think about it now and I don't think I had time to think about the scope of what I was doing.

I fell in love with Europe, with Germany. I think about it every single day and it's a love affair that makes my heart go pitter patter every time I see a picture or hear about someone leaving for parts unknown. I know that one day I have to take the Fella there. It's such a deep love of mine, I can't explain it. I only hope I can show it to him one day.

Question 4:
I never hear you talk about television shows like us TV junkies (namely me). Do you have a favorite show?

This is a funny question for a couple of reasons.
1- I can't be in a room without a television on. I even have one in my office at work. I work better with one on. I study better with a television on. I like the noise. BellaFella follows me around turning them off and then I come back around and turn them back on.

2- I actually work in the television industry, sort of.

I can't possible name a favorite show but I adore TLC, National Geographic, The Food Network, Discovery- just to name a few. And right now I won't miss an episode of 24. And of course football. I can't leave this question without noting that the NFL Network is on at our house A LOT.

Question 5:
Tonight you're coming home and will have your favorite meal sitting on the table waiting for you--what is it?

I can't possibly name one thing, but I can promise you it involves meat, potatoes and gravy. I also love all my veggies and I like them cooked in the traditional southern way- for no less than six hours.

If you are interested in playing along please-
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." Also, leave me your e-mail address.
2. Be patient.
3. I will eventually respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
4. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
5. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

Thanks to my buddy, SSG!


Kim's Treasures said...

Great post! I have the tv on all the time too. I cannot stand the silence but don't care much for the radio. I keep one on by the computer and one on in the living room.

Have a great day and thank you for the well wishes! I'm still a bit under the weather but all in all this is a minor cold.


Anonymous said...

What a great post and a great way to get to know you better. I never would have guessed that you and BellaFella met that way. So neat! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah by the way reopening that store to the public would be so fabulous. I would love to have a place like that. To sit and listen to the town folk talk and enjoy simple times. Simpy wonderful!!!

Tiffany said...

These are really great questions, much different than the regular questionnaires that I see on blogs. I like it. You are welcome to interview me, I have nothing to hide. :)

I can't wait to see what you do with that little store (should you decide to share). It's so charming.

Anonymous said...

I loved getting to know you better through these questions! I have such sweet memories of living in the country and walking to our little general store with two gas pumps outside. We'd buy swedish fish that Mrs. Remy would slip into small, crisp, brown paper bags. Such a simple memory. Brings a smile to my face.


Unknown said...

You did such a great job on your interview! Thanks for this opportunity to peek inside your world. I love ya, sister.

That is such a cute story about you and Bella Fella!!! It takes my breath away!


Anonymous said...

The store sounds so great! Good luck in whatever you decide to do with it! You can interview me! Sounds fun!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a general store...I can picture you and fella there selling adorable things. It will be fun to follow along as you decide waht to do.

I like these interview things. Fun to find out more about people.

Big Hair Envy said...

Such a cute post!! I loved the answers to all of your questions:)

I can't wait to come over and pop open a soda in your little store. Would it be alright if I brough Carmen along???

Cool Breeze said...

Pretty good answers.

The whole internet relationship thing blows my mind. That must have been a scary first meeting.

Anonymous said...

what a great little interview. very informative. love either of your plans for the general store. would love to come help you get it ready for whichever you choose. very interesting that you met the bella fella on line.

Anonymous said...

Hubby and I met online too.... way back in 1997. He answered my profile on American Singles and we have been together ever since as well. YAY internet!!


the wild raspberry said...

I would love to walk into the past and browse through the store you are describing. It sounds wonderfully simplistic.

Suzanne said...

There you go, teasing me with the store again!! I can certainly see it getting a second chance at life, filled with vintage antiques, Moon Pies, aprons, all kinds of stuff - including the fishing stuff!! Having owned a shop myself I can tell you that it's success depends upon a number of things including population and how close you are to a large metropolitan center. Even if you're in a small town if there's a large city nearby you can create yourself as a "destination".

- Suzanne, the Farmer's wife

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

I love it! Now the Bella 'rents need to get blogs so I can interview them too, I feel like Barbara Walters to the BD crew ; ) Loved reading and learning more about you!


Lallee said...

That was such fun learning more about you. What a romantic start for you and BellaFella. If you ever open the General Store and I come to Virginia, I am detouring and stopping by! Hubby will bring his pole in case there's a section for him. Great post!