Friday, December 19, 2008

Blog brain...

As I was driving into work today I was thinking about how much my brain is wired to blog. I mean, it's a huge part of my life. I find myself thinking about it A LOT. Not in a creepy sort of way but it really is a part of my everyday life and such an awesome outlet for anything and everything. Please, please tell me you do this too.

There are these little moments when I giggle to myself at just how much it creeps in...

Recently I referred to hubby as BellaFella to someone that has never been on a blog, much less mine. Oh, it's a little nickname I have for him- I mumbled with a red face. The sad thing is I will probably do it again.

Today I was wondering if SSG would make it safely to work. It's icy out there in Portland. I am thinking of you too, Predo. When I watch the Today Show the weather map is peppered with my imaginary little red flags marking the spots you guys live in my brain. I wonder how many of you are getting snow when I clearly am NOT. Nope, no bitterness here.

Before I leave in the morning I check my bag- for wallet, phone, make-up, and of course the DIGITAL CAMERA- I mean you just never know. This was really apparent when BellaMomma and I became hospital paparazzi with poor hubby the other week.

And I must not be the only one suffering from this disease- blog brain. I get here this morning and Thrifty Cottage Dreams was aptly dreaming....of me! With Big Hair's husband Cool Breeze! I think we all need therapy!

I can't imagine my day without you all! And needless to say I will be thinking of you over the weekend as we get ready for Christmas next week. Have a good one!


Unknown said...

I suffer from it so much so my kid gives me a laptop so he wouldn't have to hear me whining and crying anymore. I completely agree that blogging has added so much to my life and has helped to expand my creativity and writing. It has also created an eye for seeing the world differently because I too never leave home without my camera as I am always thinking...oh, that would make a GREAT post.

I have met the most awesome people that I can not imagine a day without. I proudly have a blogger brain and I am not scared to admit it.

Without blogging, I would have never met you!

Santa is trying to put a surprise in the mail by Tuesday...i technically have until 12th Night on January 6th anyway...LOL


Anonymous said...

Okay... I'll admit it too... I suffer from Blog Brain Disease. BUT IT"S FUN!!! I refuse to stop blogging, okay?

The Blue Ridge Gal

Anonymous said...

I just about died laughing when Carmen showed me her comment on your site!!!! It's dangerous to blog just before bed....not that I know from experience:)

Is it wrong that CB & I talk about all of you as if you are our BFF's from pre-school???

Bella Della said...

If it is wrong I don't want to be right! I do it all the time. You should hear a convo between me and my mom. SSG did this, BH did this, did you see what Predo wrote, how about what Spit made. Even though we know your names we use your blog nicknames. I really love all of you and are so glad we "met."

Anonymous said...

ME TOO!!! We use blog names as well, it's just more fun that way!

I saw Noe Noe Girl last night at the Choir Supper. She and I were discussing how much we love to blog, and how we feel like we have entered another dimension!!!! Twilight Zone, perhaps????? Hahahahaha!

Cool Breeze said...

It's so nice to be mentioned by name on these posts. It makes me feel so special. I don't have many women dreaming about me, or blogging about me for that matter.

I'm really getting red in the face with all this attention.

Emily said...

I, too, always have my camera with me since I started my blog. You're not alone!!

Suzanne said...

I agree with everything you've said. I love when my Bloglines feed says that my bloggy friends have updated. Something new to read. I love to read about your little corner of the world and dream about that old store. Your tree is so, so beautiful and the nutcracker corner is so special. Merry Christmas Bella Della and Bella Fella.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Farmchick said...

Hi~ I just stopped by for a visit...I noticed you have me on your blogroll so I put you on mine...I hope that's okay!??!! I too think about my blog and all my new blog friends all the time....some people may think it is weird but I know alot of others understand!!! Have a Merry Christmas....stop in and visit and please do leave a comment!!

Anonymous said...

How funny you mention this because I was thinking the same thing today as I ran to get the camera to document the progress on my Christmas baking.

It's so fun! Merry Chirstmas to you and Bella Fella and all of the Bella family :o)

Thrifty Cents said...

Too funny! I've told a bunch of my non-blogging friends today about my dream and all I get is a blank stare...hmmm they just don't get it!

And you should see how many pictures that are on my computer that I took JUST for my blog that have never made it there! Oh how I wish I had more time in a day!

Anonymous said...

Yes...I seem to suffer from the same "illness." But sometimes I make a point of NOT bringing my camera along on family outings. They appreciate it when I can just have fun without having to document everything!
Have a lovely holiday,

Anonymous said...

i think we all think that way. so often during the days, my blog friends come into my mind. and at night in the quiet of my bedroom, some of you are in my prayers too. have a good day kim.

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Awww, thank you so much for worrying about me! I notice blogging makes me pay attention more to the little things. Usually it's the little events that I find funny or heartening that I can't wait to get home and write about. And I LOVE hearing about everyone's daily lives. I feel like one lucky SSG! See my name is so appropriate : ) Wish you could be in Portland and have your white Christmas!

Dena said...

I do that too! I feel like I have a secret batch of angel-friends that are always there. Aren't we lucky?


Sandy said...

Hi there, popping in for a visit. Merry Christmas and love your nutcrackers! (are you in Oregon, too?)

Unknown said...

I just have this to say...why am i known as spit? That sounds so, but I was the one who named it that, hind sight is always 20/20.


Wanita said...

I think that illness is going around because I have it, too! And I have some great bloggy friends, like you, so I hope I don't get over it anytime soon.

Christmas blessings,